1. Look at that camera
2. My thryoid sucks ass... but now know that I don't. I have an appointment with the Endo soon.
3. SHIT, I ran 2 miles. Yippee. I ran slow as mo' fo but I made it.
Did I ever mention that I, Mimi, ran cross country and track in High School? I used to run 5:30 minute miles and two miles in about 12 minutes. I am pretty sure my mile splits last night were about 10 minutes. That doesn't make me happy. But it does make me laugh. I digress.
4. I thought I might die last night after running 2 miles. I didn't.
5. I am not at work today.
I am happy. And drinking coffee.
Love all your photos - must be your awesome new camera. It's going on my Christmas list. Anxiously awaiting best/worst product countdown 5 through 1.