Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last week, I went to my annual physical. I asked for a thyroid test. Remember when I thought that I was a hypochondriac?

I was wrong- and I am not a hypochondriac. At least not in this case.

The nurse called me with my test results within two days. So, you know that something is wrong. Most of my tests came back normal with the exception of my thyroid antibody test. They are sending me to an endocronologist. So I surfed the web looking for information on what that means. Here is what I found...

If your doctor has told you that you have tested positive for "thyroid antibodies" but you have a normal TSH, what does that mean? Usually, it indicates that your thyroid is in the process of autoimmune failure. Not failed yet, and not failed enough to register in the standard TSH thyroid test, but in the process of failing.

Great. Swell. My thyroid is failing and I have an autoimmune disease. Happy freakin' birthday to me.

The good news is there are drugs to help. And heck, maybe, I feel a little vindicated. Like, I am not totally nuts for thinking that something was off.

But it does make me feel a little like this...

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