Tonight we had yet another showing on our house. I should be thrilled but I am not. I am getting ready to start charging admission. Make an offer or I will send you a bill in the mail for my time. Please I have goals to accomplish and these showings are crimping my style.
As I was driving home with LC and LP from my mothers house, I thought a lot about Twitter. To Twitter or not to Twitter - That is the question. I am not opposed to the idea of Twittering. In fact, I often enjoy reading tweets as they appear on some of my favorite blogs. But I am going to be honest, I have nothing to tweet about. So while my precious children watched a movie on their portable DVD player (gasp!), I played out in my mind what I might Tweet about...
Tweet: I went to the bathroom.
Tweet: People at work drive me crazy.
Tweet: I am at a meeting.
Tweet: I am at another meeting to talk about the last meeting.
Tweet: I am at a meeting to talk about the next meeting.
Tweet: I am at the next meeting.
Tweet: I have to go bathroom again. I am drinking a lot of water.
Tweet: I am on my way home.
Tweet: LC and LP wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom when I got in the door.
Tweet: Where has all of my privacy gone?
Tweet: LC and LP are both going to the bathroom.
Tweet, Tweet: I am now cleaning two butts (their butts please, not my buttS).
I am guessing that there just wouldn't be any interest in a play by play of my daily activities.
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4 days ago
LOVE the blog - I'm right there with you on just about everything (except the twins and former athlete parts). This book saved my marriage - 12 Hours to a Great Marriage: A Step-by-Step Guide for Making Love Last. Oh and I'd better not be the one driving you crazy at work or I'll make you're life hell :)